วิธีการปรับขนาดพื้นที่ของ LINUX

สิ่งที่ท่านจะได้เรียนรู้ต่อไปนี่คือจะเป็นของ Centos 7   สำหรับ Linux ตัวอื่น ใช้เป็นแหล่งอ้างอิงได้ครับ

New Solution


First Step

Extend partition

First you need find out what partition name with

# fdisk -l
after that system command line will output like something

First you need to find number of disk

eg. /dev/xvda2 

( or /dev/xvda3 )


2 = your number of disk.

then go next step


# parted --version

if return value with "parted (GNU parted) 3" OR Upper

# echo '-1' | parted ---pretend-input-tty /dev/xvda resizepart {Your number of disk}


# echo 'Fix' | parted ---pretend-input-tty /dev/xvda resizepart 2
# echo -1 | parted ---pretend-input-tty /dev/xvda resizepart 2

then go Second step


If below 3 OR your version 2.X

# parted /dev/xvda resize {You number of disk} -1



Second Step

Update kernel in-memory partition table

After changing your partition table, run the following command to update the kernel in-memory partition table:

# partx -u /dev/xvda
if have error something please use
# partprobe /dev/xvda

Resize physical volume

Resize the PV to recognize the extra space

# pvresize /dev/xvda2

Find your Disk Logic Name

# lvdisplay -C -o "lv_path,lv_dm_path,lv_kernel_minor"


It should display something like this

some partition has "Swap Space"

Path                 DMPath                      KMin
  /dev/cl_host115/root /dev/mapper/cl_host115-root    0

Select DMPath that not contain "Swap"
DMPath = /dev/mapper/cl_host115-root

# lvextend -r {DMPath} /dev/xvda2

# lvextend -r /dev/mapper/cl_host115-root /dev/xvda2

Finish extended your partition.

Old Solution

You can do this without rebooting in CentOS 7. Assuming your disk is /dev/xvda and standard RHEL/CentOS partitioning:

Extend partition

First you need find out what partition name with

# fdisk -l
after that system command line will output like something

then go next step

insert your partition name in first step like this
# fdisk /dev/xvda

Enter p to print your initial partition table.

Enter d (delete) followed by 2 to delete the existing partition definition (partition 1 is usually /boot and partition 2 is usually the root partition).

Enter n (new) followed by p (primary) followed by 2 to re-create partition number 2 and enter to accept the start block and enter again to accept the end block which is defaulted to the end of the disk.

Enter t (type) then 2 then 8e to change the new partition type to "Linux LVM".

Enter p to print your new partition table and make sure the start block matches what was in the initial partition table printed above.

Enter w to write the partition table to disk. You will see an error about Device or resource busy which you can ignore.

Update kernel in-memory partition table

After changing your partition table, run the following command to update the kernel in-memory partition table:

# partx -u /dev/xvda
if have error something please use
# partprobe /dev/xvda

Resize physical volume

Resize the PV to recognize the extra space

# pvresize /dev/xvda2

Resize LV and filesystem

in this step before start please send command : pvs
you will see disk name like : centos_thankcloud

then use this name in next step.

In this command centos is the PV, root is the LV and /dev/xvda2 is the partition that was extended. Use pvs and lvs commands to see your physical and logical volume names if you don't know them. The -r option in this command resizes the filesystem appropriately so you don't have to call resize2fs or xfs_growfs separately.

# lvextend -r centos_thankcloud/root /dev/xvda2
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